Web Developer PHP, Laravel, VueJs

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Hệ thống tuyển dụng việc làm IT:

Contact: 0903 218 230 - Email:

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Học viện Công nghệ Bưu chính Viễn thông (PTIT)

Chuyên ngành: Công nghệ thông tin

Welcome to visit my CV online!

- Back-End: I am experienced in Javascript, TypeScript, MySql MongoDB...etc

- Front-End: I am experienced in Javascript on VueJS Framework, using Axios, Bootstrap...etc

Kinh nghiệm & Quá trình Làm việc

Quá trình Làm việc


Develop Back-end website with PHP - Laravel.

Main project with Japanese customers: (PHP, Laravel, Mysql, VueJS, Javascript...) for web app (web browsers)


Develop Back-end website with PHP - Laravel.

Main project with Japanese customers: (PHP, Laravel, Mysql, VueJS, Javascript...) for web app (web browsers)


Develop website with PHP - Laravel.

- Participate in develop Ecommerce website using PHP, Laravel

- Participate in develop ITJob website using PHP with Laravel.

Công ty DevPro Việt Nam

Develop website with PHP - Laravel.

- Participate in develop real-time chat service with Javascript.

- Participate in develop Ecommerce website using PHP, Laravel

Kỹ năng & Kinh nghiệm

Kỹ năng

Develop with PHP - Laravel.

- PHPUnit

- Javascript

- VueJs


Phần mềm Quản lý vé tàu

Develop Back-end website with PHP - Laravel.

- Participate in develop Ecommerce website using PHP, Laravel

Hệ thống thi trắc nghiệm online

Develop Back-end website with PHP - Laravel.

- Participate in develop Ecommerce website using PHP, Laravel

Thiết kế Website

Develop Back-end website with PHP - Laravel.

- Participate in develop Ecommerce website using PHP, Laravel

Sản phẩm

Thiết kế Website

Cổng thông tin điện tử

Develop Back-end website with PHP - Laravel.

- Participate in develop Ecommerce website using PHP, Laravel

Website Bán hàng trực tuyến HomeCart

Develop Back-end website with PHP - Laravel.

- Participate in develop Ecommerce website using PHP, Laravel

Website Giới thiệu Món Việt

Develop Back-end website with PHP - Laravel.

- Participate in develop Ecommerce website using PHP, Laravel

Hệ thống quản lý

Hệ thống Quản lý Vé tàu hỏa

Develop Back-end website with PHP - Laravel.

- Participate in develop Ecommerce website using PHP, Laravel

Hệ thống Tìm kiếm việc làm thông minh

Develop Back-end website with PHP - Laravel.

- Participate in develop Ecommerce website using PHP, Laravel

Phần mềm tìm nhà trọ Hà Nội

Develop Back-end website with PHP - Laravel.

- Participate in develop Ecommerce website using PHP, Laravel

Phản hồi